Blowhards on the far-right
are constantly proclaiming that they are the True Americans. They and they alone love our constitution and
seek to defend our cherished freedoms. Anyone who dares to disagree with them ‘hates
America.’ Only ultra-right Fox News types, they tell us,
can claim the title of Patriot.
To hear them tell it, anyone who speaks out
against racism, police abuses, economic inequality, militarism, the rape of our
environment or who stands in favor of religious tolerance or an adequate safety
net for the poor is a member of one of two groups:
Those who are plotting in
secret, using lies and subterfuge to undermine our constitution and destroy our freedom, casting us into
an infernal pit of _____
[…fill in the blank. It could be a totalitarian communist state like Cambodia under Pol Pot, a worldwide Islamic caliphate, or the dreaded One World Government Under Satan; predictions vary].
In other words, America Haters.
[…fill in the blank. It could be a totalitarian communist state like Cambodia under Pol Pot, a worldwide Islamic caliphate, or the dreaded One World Government Under Satan; predictions vary].
In other words, America Haters.
The second group is said
to be comprised of those who are too naïve to realize that they are being duped
by the first group.
In other words, fools and tools of the America Haters.
In other words, fools and tools of the America Haters.
I’ve been hearing this sort of self
righteous nonsense from these guys for years, so imagine my surprise at
learning of their utter, flaming outrage over the removal of confederate battle
flags, statues and monuments in the South.
How can these self proclaimed America Lovers hold such reverence for the
worst America Haters of them all?
I mean, confederates
didn’t just advocate policies that some people predicted would eventually lead
to our downfall. They did everything in
their power to bring it about right then. They seceded from our nation, abandoned our
constitution and slaughtered hundreds of thousands in a war against our country.
You can’t get more
anti-American than that.
Those traitors caused the death of around
365,000 American soldiers! What a
profound insult to their heroic memory and what a slap in the face it is to their descendants to support memorials for their America-hating killers. So much for honoring OUR veterans, the true
patriots who fought, sacrificed and died at their hands to defend our
Now I can understand why
Klan and neo-Nazi types oppose their removal, since they hate everyone who
isn’t a white Christian (in other words, most Americans). People who waged war in order to preserve
slavery and white supremacy would naturally be counted among their heroes. If they had their way, we’d all be living in
a modern day confederacy, where non-whites would know and keep ‘their place.’
What I can’t understand is
why anyone else who claims to love our nation and its constitution could honor
those who did everything in their power to smash them both. Would they also endorse memorials to other
enemies of the United States, like the soldiers and leaders of Nazi Germany? Would they support the erection of a statue of
Admiral Yamamoto
at Pearl Harbor?
…I’d be lyin’ if I said I understood.